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Child safety

Lady Gaga Launches Born This Way Foundation

February 29, 2012 // 0 Comments

I will post more later, but here’s my 1 minute CBS News segment about Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation.  I was honored to be at the launch event and, along [...]

A good start on digital privacy

February 26, 2012 // 0 Comments

This post appeared in the San Jose Mercury News on February 27, 2012 by Larry Magid I might be overly optimistic, but I hope this will be remembered as the month digital [...]

Facebook Users Becoming More Privacy Savvy

February 24, 2012 // 0 Comments

Percent of social networking users who have taken these steps to protect their privacy (Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project) When it comes to social media [...]

Is online privacy finally becoming a reality?

February 23, 2012 // 0 Comments

by Larry Magid It’s too early to know if either of these will make a difference, but back-to-back announcements from the California Attorney General and the White House [...]

App Privacy Tips

February 20, 2012 // 0 Comments

The recent revelations that some iPhone and Android apps are uploading and storing users’ phone address books without permission is very troubling. It not only violates the [...]

Filters and monitoring: panacea or band-aid?

February 13, 2012 // 0 Comments

One of my talks at Russia’s Safer Internet Day conference, focusing on the role of filters in protecting children: Filters and monitoring: Panacea or band-aid View more [...]
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