by Larry Magid Facebook’s announcement last week that it passed the 500 million mark reminded me that the concept of a “face book” is not unique to Long [...]
After months of negotiations, Facebook has reached an agreement with the U.K’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre that will result in a new safety [...]
by Larry Magid (this article first appeared on The headline of the press pitch I received a few days ago read “McAfee to release shocking findings of [...]
Final report of the Online Safety Technology Working Group Youth Safety on a Living Internet (PDF), the final report by the Online Safety Technology Working Group (OSTWG), [...]
This 5:20 video shows how to configure Facebook’s new simplified privacy settings. Including: Using the new one-page simplified privacy controls, limiting what the [...]
This 10 minute video not only shows how to configure Facebook’s latest “simplified” privacy settings but also how to customize your settings for maximum [...]
On Wednesday May 27th, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company would simplify its privacy settings and require that less information be made available. That [...]
In response to recent widespread criticism over changes made to its privacy policy in April, Facebook announced today that it has modified its user controls to make it easier [...]