ConnectSafely to host Safer Internet Day with Calif AG Kamala Harris and Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg

This post first appeared in the Mercury News
In 2004, a project of the European Commission launched “Safer Internet Day,” which became an annual event held on the second Tuesday of February. This year represents the 11th Safer Internet Day, which is now being celebrated in more than 100 countries, including the United States.
Last year,, the nonprofit Internet safety organization that I help run, was asked to be the U.S. host, and we launched our own inaugural event in Washington, D.C., that featured panels of youth and industry leaders plus an address by U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
This year, Safer Internet Day USA (which is free and open to the public) is being held on the Facebook campus in Menlo Park with a keynote address by California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris; remarks by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg; three panels involving youth, industry and social activists; and a presentation by National PTA President Otha Thornton.
The U.S. theme this year is “Actions & Activism Toward a Better Net & World,” which reflects ConnectSafely’s perspective on the real meaning of Internet safety
But even as we share the best advice from industry, government and nonprofit leaders, we will remember that the title of our event is “Safer” Internet Day, not “Safe” Internet Day. That’s because no amount of precautions can possibly guarantee nothing will go wrong any more than air bags, seat belts and even safe driving can prevent all car accidents.
It’s not about avoiding all risk, but about managing the inherent risks associated with just about anything we do — in this case, using powerful and connected technologies to enhance our lives.
I’m particularly excited by the upcoming Safer Internet Day panel titled “Using Technology to Effect Social Change” because it will cover how today’s connected devices are helping people all over the planet make small and large changes to improve their lives. Whether it’s toppling oppressive regimes, helping to make local law enforcement more sensitive to the needs of their communities, or getting a traffic light installed in a busy intersection, activists around the world have found social media and mobile technology to be a powerful tool to revive that old sixties slogan, “Power to the People.”
Martin Luther King might have approved
I was thinking about this panel a couple of Mondays ago as the nation celebrated Martin Luther King Day. Without doubt, Dr. King would have been an enthusiastic user of social media, had the tools been available in his day. He and his fellow civil rights activists would have used Twitter and Facebook to recruit volunteers, mobilize support and attract people to events just as they did with the technologies of their time — the mimeograph, the megaphone and the telephone.
King’s supporters, and the press covering them, would have used smartphones to document the atrocities they faced daily, and those images would have been just as powerful as the grainy black and white photos they produced at the time. I bet they would have used LinkedIn to drum up support among businesses and professionals. And surely they would have used Tumblr, Instagram and maybe even Snapchat to rally the support of young people, like those brave volunteers who risked, and in cases gave, their lives to help make Dr. King’s “Dream” a real possibility.
But one thing King would almost certainly have not done was to rely on “clictivism,” a term for social change campaigns that rely on people simply liking a cause or checking an online box to express their opinion or outrage. He would have still organized sit-ins, boycotts, nonviolent demonstrations and, of course, that massive March on Washington — because he would have known that technology alone can’t bring about social change. For that you need dedication, hard work, organizers in the streets, the willingness to take real risks, and the energy of the people.
I’ll be thinking about Martin Luther King on Safer Internet Day because — just as he was trying to build a better, kinder and more just nation — we’re united beyond the global theme of creating “a better Internet together.” We won’t achieve that dream on Feb. 10th, but we will take a small step toward spreading online kindness, media literacy and social activism. You’ll find details at Pre-registration is required to attend in-person.
Safer Internet Day Program
1:00 Doors Open
Welcoming Remarks
Opening Remarks: Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO
Keynote Speaker: California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris
Panel #1 – “Beyond Bullying: Dealing with Trolling & Social Cruelty”
- Dan Tynan, Yahoo Tech columnist (moderator)
- Rayna Archuleta, high school student
- Annie Fox, M.Ed, parenting expert, family coach and online adviser for teens
- Natalie Madrigal Ortiz, high school student
- Cindy Southworth, National Network to End Domestic Violence
- Catherine Teitelbaum,
- Dave Wilner, Secret
Panel #2 – “Using Technology to Effect Social Change”
- Maya Enista Smith, adviser to the Born This Way Foundation (moderator)
- Zahra Billoo, Council on American-Islamic Relations
- Rafael Johns, Youth Radio
- Erik Martin, Student Voice (university student, consultant to U.S. Dept. of Education)
- Jamia Wilson, Women, Action & the Media
Presentation by National PTA President Otha Thornton
Panel #3 – “Wrapping It All Up: A Conversation with Industry Leaders”
- Stephen Balkam, Family Online Safety Institute (moderator)
- Juniper Downs, Google
- Nicky Jackson Colaco, Instagram
- Del Harvey, Twitter
5:30 Program Ends
5:30 – 7:00 Light Supper/Reception